Antitrust between EU Law and national law/Antitrust fra diritto nazionale e diritto dell'UE
XIV conference/XIV convegno

This book contains the papers of the XIV Conference on “Antitrust between EU law and national law”, originally intended as a physical event to be held in Treviso in May 2020, the XIV edition of the Conference was adapted to a digital format and held as a virtual event on 29 October 2020.
The event was patronized by UAE (Union des Avocats Européens), LIDC (Ligue Internationale Droit de la Concurrence), AIGI (Associazione Italiana dei Giuristi di Impresa), ECLA (European Company Lawyers Association), AAI (Associazione Antitrust Italiana) and Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet of the University of Milan.
The contributions included in this volume are the result of in-depth analysis and study of the most salient and current issues arising from the application of antitrust rules, carried out by experienced and high-ranking professional, in-house lawyers, academics and EU/national and international institutional representatives.
They deal with extremely topical and current issues, lying at the heart of the current antitrust debate. Some of the most contemporary topics include those related to the digital market and the antitrust reforms.
Ample consideration is also given to the relations between consumer protection and antitrust and IP and antitrust, the State Aid, the private antitrust enforcement and its application and the antitrust compliance.
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Type of product | Book |
Format | Paperback |
EAN / ISSN | 9782802769453 |
Series name | Union des avocats européens (UAE) |
Weight | 862 g |
Status | Available |
Number of pages | 538 p. |
Access to exercice | No |
Publisher | Larcier |
Language | English |
Publication Date | Oct 10, 2021 |
Available on Strada Belgique | Yes |
Available on Strada Europe | Yes |
Available on Strada Luxembourg | Yes |
IP rights and competition law : an increasing shift in the balance?
Antitrust e proprietà intellettuale nel mercato farmaceutico: breve storia di winner e losers (e di un underdog)
“New Deal for Consumers” : benefits for consumers and new challenges for businesses
Digital ecosystems and their regulation : no country for (old) economists?
The crucial role of the notion of state aid in the European Union case law
Gli aiuti di stato tra calamita’ naturali e emergenze epidemiologiche
National Judges and the recovery of unlawful State aid
State aid, budgetary and tax discipline : the role of undertakings
Concorrenza e nuovi entranti
The tight link between business and competition and the strategic importance to make it stronger
Some thoughts on fairness, competition, and article 102
Is regulation the right solution to the MFN saga?
Facing the challenges of innovation in the pandemic era
Selective distribution systems : between exemption regulation and exhaustion of the right
Private enforcement of the rules on State aid : considerations on Italian jurisprudence
“Can US Competition Laws Be a Swiss Army Knife to Fix Big Tech?”
L’evoluzione della compliance antitrust per le aziende : il punto dopo alcuni anni dall’emanazione delle Linee Guida dell’AGCM
Judicial review following the Avastin Lucentis ruling
Diritti di difesa e determinatezza dell’illecito antitrust
Panel “Digital Markets & Antitrust: where do we stand?”
Proteggere i dati per governare l’economia digitale
Article Algorithms for the Treviso conference
The Effectiveness of the Traditional Antitrust Toolbox in Digital Markets
Tuning the orchestra, not silencing the music : the path to coordination of EU antitrust law with other policies
Do we need to revise antitrust Law?
Competition and industrial policies : the issue of the strategic business
The impact of Brexit on antitrust
The Future of U.S. Antitrust Law and Enforcement
The Belgian Market Court vs. decisions of the telecom network regulators
The impact of antitrust sanctions on companies : the need for reconsideration