Consumer law - competition and trade practices 70 results
Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain
Implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/663 in the EU-27Book | 1st edition 2024 | Europe | Elisa Paredis, Bert Keirsbilck, Evelyne Terryn, Tom VerdonkThe EU's Directive (EU) 2019/633 aims to combat unfair trading practices in the agricultural sector. Through the Third UTP Roundtable (2023), experts assessed the Directive's implementation across Member States. Variations in enforcement approaches and legislative adjustments were scrutinized. This book includes preface, questionnaires, country reports, and conclusions on the UTP Directive's impact.
€125.00 incl. VAT -
Revue européenne de droit de la consommation
European Journal of Consumer LawJournal | Subscription 2024 - 3 issues per year | EuropeWith three issues per year, the R.E.D.C. is both a doctrinal tool and a source of information on the evolution of consumer law in the Member States.
Mutual Trust as a General Principle of EU Law
External European Asylum Law through the Lens of Member State CooperationBook | 1st edition 2024 | World | Lynn HillaryThis book offers an in-depth analysis of mutual trust in EU migration and criminal law, which highlights the cooperation dynamics between the Member States. This leads the author to the novel argument that mutual trust should be considered as a general principle of EU law. Qualifying mutual trust as a general principle of EU law matters because, when we consider mutual trust as a general principle of EU law, it offers a pertinent lens through which to study Member State cooperation dynamics in the context of external European asylum law.
€115.00 incl. VAT -
European Sales Law
Challenges in the 21st CenturyBook | 1st edition 2023 | Stefan Grundmann, Yesim M. Atamer20 years after the 1999 EU sales law harmonization an extensive and future oriented reform has occurred with the 2019 Sale of Goods Directive. The reform infused features of durability, sustainability and digitalisation into classical sales law, transforming the contract into a long-term relationship, also forcing an adaptation of distribution networks.€194.00 incl. VAT -
Luxembourg Law of Security Interests over Movable Assets
Book | 1st edition 2023 | Luxembourg | Hannes WestendorfThe book is divided into 2 parts. The first part treats the civil and commercial law pledges, as well as the pledge as financial collateral arrangement and the pledge over a business. The second part examines payment guarantees conferring an exclusive right upon the creditor, which include the right of retention and title-based security such as retention of title techniques as well as title transfer for security purposes.
€108.00 incl. VAT -
Premature Obsolescence
In Search of an Improved Legal FrameworkBook | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Anaïs MichelPremature obsolescence means that products do not last as long as they should or could. This book addresses the central question how EU and national legal rules currently tackle premature obsolescence and how the legal framework could be improved.€167.00 incl. VAT -
Servitization and circular economy: economic and legal challenges
Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Bert Keirsbilck, Evelyne Terryn, Johan Eyckmans, Sandra Rousseau, Denis VoinotThis book identifies economic and behavioral drivers and barriers of servitization as well as the main legal challenges in the servitization process (i.e. using products (‘servitization’, ‘access-based consumption’).€103.00 incl. VAT -
Dealing with food law in Europe
A practical approach, including a Belgian perspectiveBook | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Aude MahyFor the first time in Belgium, a book that addresses the subject of food law in its entirety. It aims to decipher European food law and illustrate it with concrete applications. A special perspective on how the regulations are implemented and enforced in Belgium is also included.
€96.00 incl. VAT -
Antitrust between EU Law and national law/Antitrust fra diritto nazionale e diritto dell'UE
XIV conference/XIV convegnoBook | 1st edition 2021 | Europe | Enrico Adriano RaffaelliPapers contributed by representatives of EU and national antitrust authorities, judges and in-house legal counsels, professors, academics and experts in EU and national antitrust law, dealing with the most salient and topical antitrust issues.€149.00 incl. VAT -
Compliance Tools
Book | 1st edition 2021 | Europe | Marie–Anne Frison–RocheRisk maps, compliance programs, deals and judicial agreements, ad hoc training, algorithms, audits, sanctions, controls, whistleblowing, collective actions, etc. are scrutinized in this book. Co-published with the Journal of Regulation & Compliance.€87.00 incl. VAT -
Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe
Directive 2014/104/EU and BeyondBook | 1st edition 2021 | Europe | Rafael AmaroThe book offers a description of the current state of play and a critical analysis of the late reforms designed to facilitate private enforcement of competition law in the European Union. It includes comparative aspects and transversal themes.€113.00 incl. VAT -
A New Deal for Professional Football in the EU
Club Brugge ChairBook | 1st edition 2021 | Europe | Robby Houben, Steve NuytsIn support of clubs and football agents applying on their own initiative high standards of good governance, this note calls for EU legislative intervention to level the regulatory and supervisory playing fields to create a true internal market for football agents and professional football clubs with acceptable minimum levels of good governance for all.€30.00 incl. VAT -
EU Competition Law applicable to liner shipping and seaports
New challenges of the regulationBook | 1st edition 2021 | Europe | Philippe CorrubleA unique and updated synthesis of the EU Competition Law applicable to liner shipping and seaports.€49.00 incl. VAT -
French Consumer Law
Book | 1st edition 2020 | France | Louis Vogel, Joseph VogelA complete and practical overview of French consumer law by a specialist in this field, enriched by numerous references of doctrine and case law.€93.00 incl. VAT -
Motor vehicle distribution Law
Book | 2nd edition 2020 | Europe | Louis Vogel, Joseph VogelThis book provides a wide-ranging comparative review of the applicable European and French rules: lawfulness of networks, formation and execution of contracts, terminating contracts.€75.00 incl. VAT -
Arbitration and Protection of Investments in Energy and Infrastructure Sectors
Book | 1st edition 2020 | World | Guy BlockA review of recent awards related to investment protection in the Energy and Infrastructure sectors. To which extent a Host State is entitled to "change" its law and what are the limits of the protected "acquired rights" of a foreign investor?€109.00 incl. VAT -
French Merger Control
Book | 2nd edition 2020 | France | Louis VogelThis book provides a wide-ranging review of the applicable French rules: scope of control, exercise of control, control procedure.€93.00 incl. VAT -
European Distribution Law
Book | 3rd edition 2020 | Europe | Louis Vogel, Joseph VogelThis book provides a wide-ranging review of the European rules relating to distribution: exclusive purchase and exclusive supply, exclusive and selective distribution, motor vehicle distribution, franchises, commercial agents.€93.00 incl. VAT -
anti-dumping law
Book | 2nd edition 2020 | Europe | Louis VogelThis book covers all the applicable European rules on anti-dumping: anti-dumping law, procedure, anti-subsidies.€93.00 incl. VAT -
Law of the internal market
Book | 2nd edition 2020 | Europe | Louis VogelThis book provides a wide-ranging review of the European rules: free movement of goods, persons, services capital, liberalization directives.€93.00 incl. VAT