Judicial law 45 results

45 results

  1. A Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Judgments

    A Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Judgments

    Why did the Judgments Project (1992-2001) Fail?
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | Eva Jueptner

    This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of why the original Judgments Project of the Hague Conference on Private International Law failed in 2001. Through examining the significant weaknesses in the management and preparation of the negotiations which contributed substantially to the lack of success in adopting a convention text at a Diplomatic Session, the books sets out the lessons that can be drawn from the premature end of the project.


    €99.00 incl. VAT
  2. New International Commercial Courts

    New International Commercial Courts

    A Comparative Perspective
    Book | 1st edition 2024 | World | Man Yip, Giesela Rühl

    Over the past two decades, various jurisdictions around the world have created new specialised domestic courts to manage international commercial disputes. This book studies these new international commercial courts from a comparative perspective and examines their role in cross-border litigation.


    €199.00 incl. VAT
  3. Contractualisation of Civil Litigation

    Contractualisation of Civil Litigation

    Book | 1st edition 2023 | Anna Nylund, Antonio Cabral
    This book provides comparative insights into how the rules of civil procedure can be contractually modified. Reports covering 20 jurisdictions discuss, among other topics, choice-of-court costs, appeals, access to evidence, and ADR agreements. It explores the nexus between contractualisation and other current trends in civil litigation.
    €204.00 incl. VAT
  4. Lawyer Roles in Knowledge Work

    Lawyer Roles in Knowledge Work

    Defender, Enabler, Investigator
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Petter Gottschalk, Christopher Hamerton
    This book provides the first thorough examination of the concept of lawyer roles in knowledge work, offering a detailed comparative exploration and analysis of the globalized legal services industry in terms of individual and corporate professional functions.
    €93.00 incl. VAT
  5. Defragmentation of Law

    Defragmentation of Law

    Reconstruction of Contemporary Law as a System
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Pavel Ondrejek
    As contemporary legal regulation becomes more and more complex, the law becomes more fragmented. This book puts forward recommendations to promote the systemic nature of law. In addition to pro-systemic legal arguments, the book focuses on the foundations of law formed by underlying principles and values.
    €93.00 incl. VAT
  6. Liber Amicorum Xavier Dieux

    Liber Amicorum Xavier Dieux

    Hommage d'exception à un esprit universel
    Book | 1st edition 2022 | Belgium, Luxembourg | Gilles Collard, Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert, David Szafran, Didier Willermain †

    L’ouvrage rend hommage aux différentes facettes de Xavier Dieux, avocat, professeur, arbitre et philosophe. Il comprend des contributions dans les domaines tels que le droit des sociétés, le droit des obligations, le droit financier et bancaire, l’arbitrage, la théorie du droit et la philosophie, l’économie et l’art.

    €216.00 incl. VAT
  7. Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement

    Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement

    The European State of the Art and Future Perspectives
    Book | 1st edition 2021 | World | Jan von Hein, Thalia Kruger
    How to choose the most beneficial enforcement regime for cross-border claims of a client? A question considerably complicated by (1) the existence of various European Union enforcement tools and (2) particularities in the national legal systems that impact on the operation and suitability of the various enforcement tools. This book compares and analyses the practical utility and potential pitfalls of the 2nd generation regulations (European Enforcement Order, European Order for Payment, European Small Claims Procedure and European Account Preservation Order) and their relation to Brussels Ibis. The work is based on an extensive evaluation of case law (published and unpublished), empirical data and literature from eight Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain) and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
    €166.00 incl. VAT
  8. Enforcing Consumer and Capital Markets Law

    Enforcing Consumer and Capital Markets Law

    The Diesel Emissions Scandal
    Book | 1st edition 2020 | Europe | Beate Gsell, Thomas Möllers
    This book critically analyses the various approaches of public and private law enforcement and their effectiveness across several jurisdictions on the example of one topical and global collective damage event with far reaching consequences for both, consumers and investors: the Dieselgate.
    €156.00 incl. VAT
  9. The Future of the European Law of Civil Procedure

    The Future of the European Law of Civil Procedure

    Coordination or Harmonisation?
    Book | 1st edition 2020 | Europe | Fernando Gascon Inchausti, Esther Sánchez Coro
    This book provides precious insight into the dynamics of this new approach to consolidating European Civil Justice, clearly outlining the motivations of the various national and institutional players involved and examining potential obstacles likely to be encountered along the way. The book represents a work of reference for anyone involved in academia, practice or law reform in this subject area.
    €87.00 incl. VAT