Commercial practices
Revised edition

With the entry into force of book I (definitions), VI (market practices), XV (sanctions) and XVII (civil procedures, i.e. the action for a cease and desist order) of the Belgian Code of Economic Law in May 2014, the existing rules on commercial practices have been arranged in way that differs substantially from the Act of 6 April 2010 on Market Practices, which is repealed.
As a result of judgments of the European Court of Justice the Code has also introduced changes to existing rules on sales at a loss and seasonal sales.
Again as a result of a judgment of the ECJ an Act of 26 October 2015 has i.a. repealed the existing strict rules on the announcement of price reductions as well as the prohibition for traders to require payment before the expiry of a period of 7 days in the case of off premises contracts.
Moreover new important judgments of the European Court of Justice on the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive 2005/29 necessitate a new interpretation of basic concepts of books I and VI. In general in the area of commercial practices there are continuously novelties in European and national case-law.
Hence a second a totally revised edition.
Like the first edition the aim of this book is to provide legal practitioners, advisors, scholars and students, a comprehensive and yet concise and practice-oriented introduction to the major issues relating to the Belgian commercial practices law, as now enshrined in the Code of Economic Law.(CEL) and certain related legislation, including legislation relating to e-commerce and legislation relevant to specific sectors: financial services, travel contracts and teaching.
This book provides well-documented answers, based both on an analysis of European and Belgian sources, to the questions business people and lawyers often ask with regard to the rules on advertising, sales promotions, fair commercial practices and fair competition.
The authors have delivered their texts in the fall of 2015. The texts have been reviewed where necessary to take into account the amendments brought by the Act of 26 October 2015.
The book covers both B2B and B2C relations. It is a unique tool for any practitioner by analysing European and national case law and literature.
De tweede editie van Commercial practices biedt een volledig, maar toch compact, op de praktijk gericht boek waarin alle relevante aspecten van marktpraktijken worden behandel, zoals nu opgenomen in het Wetboek Economisch Recht en in verwante wetgeving, waaronder deze mbt e-commerce en mbt specifieke sectoren: financiële diensten, reizen en onderwijs.
Het boek geeft goed gedocumenteerde antwoorden, die gebaseerd zijn op een analyse van zowel Europese als Belgische bronnen, op vragen die zakenlui en bedrijfsjuristen zich vaak stellen over de regelgeving met betrekking tot adverteren, promoties, eerlijke marktpraktijken en eerlijke concurrentie.
De tweede editie verwerkt de nieuwe regels uit het Wetboek van Economisch Recht. Wijzigingen resulteren voornamelijk uit Boek VI inzake marktpraktijken en consumentenbescherming en Boek XIV over marktpraktijken en vrije beroepsbeoefenaars, maar ook de regels inzake elektronische economie komen aan bod. Daarnaast besteedt het boek aandacht aan de vernieuwde procedurele bepalingen en Europeesrechtelijke ontwikkelingen die rechtstreeks van invloed zijn op marktpraktijken.
Ce livre offre une introduction complète, concise et pratique, en anglais, des aspects pertinents de la législation des pratiques du marché en Belgique, publiée dans le Code de droit économique, et d’autres législations connexes, y compris les lois relatives au commerce électronique et la législation applicable à des secteurs spécifiques: services financiers, voyages et enseignement.
Le livre fournit des réponses bien documentées qui reposent sur une analyse des sources européennes et belges, sur des questions souvent posées par les juristes d’entreprise et par les dirigeants d’entreprise concernant la législation sur la publicité, les promotions, le commerce équitable et la concurrence loyale
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Type of product | Book |
Format | Paperback |
EAN / ISSN | 9782804482626 |
Weight | 700 g |
Status | Available |
Number of pages | 394 p. |
Access to exercice | No |
Publisher | Larcier |
Language | English |
Publication Date | Jan 19, 2016 |
Available on Strada Belgique | Yes |
Available on Strada Europe | No |
Available on Strada Luxembourg | No |
This second edition incorporates the new rules of the Code of Economic Law.
Changes result mainly from Book VI on market practices and consumer protection and Book XIV of market practices and liberal professions, but also the rules concerning e- economy are discussed. Furthermore the book devotes attention on the new procedural provisions and European legal developments that have a direct impact on market practices.
- 1. Definitions - Jules Stuyck & Gert Straetmans
- 2. Rules to inform Consumers
- 3. Unfair Commercial Practices in B2C Relations
- 4. Comparative advertising -
- Gert Straetmans & Laura Van Lysebetten
- 5. Rules on Advertising and Commercial Practices in B2B Relations
- 6. Enforcement
- 1. Itinerant Sales - Luc Ballon
- 2. Gambling - Nele Hoeckx
- 3. Other Laws and Regulations on Market Practices, e-Commerce and e-Communication -Patrick Van Eecke
- 1. Financial Services - Veerle Colaert & Andreas Van Impe
- 2. Market practices in the travel sector - Jos Speybrouck
- 3. Teaching and the Market Practices and Consumer Protection Act - Henri Swennen