The Economic and Financial crisis in Europe : on the road to recovery

2010, année noire pour l’Union Européenne, confrontée à la plus grave crise économique et financière depuis sa constitution il y a 50 ans déjà. L’Union des Avocats Européens (UAE), à l’occasion de son 27e Congrès, tenu à Lisbonne, a voulu se livrer à une réflexion sur la crise et les remèdes mis en place par l’Union Européenne.
Après avoir entendu l’ancien Président du Portugal, M. Jorge Sampaio, appeler à un «New Deal» européen, les orateurs ont livré aux participants une étude exhaustive des dispositions adoptées par l’Union pour répondre à la crise, notamment la mise en place d’une vraie Union Bancaire, le renforcement du contrôle de l’euro, l’organisation d’une synergie entre le budget de l’Union et des Etats membres, et la mise en place d’un contrôle renforcé des aides d’Etat au secteur financier.
Cet ouvrage riche et documenté, porteur d’espoir, s’adresse aux professionnels du droit et de la finance, mais encore à tous ceux qui sont intéressés par le développement de l’Union Européenne.
In 2010 the European Union faced the worst economic and financial crisis of its fifty year-long history. The European Lawyers’ Union (UAE), upon the occasion of its 27th Congress, held in Lisbon, sought to engage in a reflection on the crisis and the remedies set up by the European Union.
After hearing the former President of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio, call for a European «New Deal», the speakers delivered to participants a comprehensive review of the measures put in place by the European Union to meet the crisis, in particular the establishment of a Banking Union, the strengthening of the Euro, the creation of synergies between the EU and national budgets, and a reinforced review of State aid to the financial sector.
This rich and documented book is intended for professionals in law and finance, but also to all those interested in the development of the European Union.
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Type of product | Book |
Format | Paperback |
EAN / ISSN | 9782802749172 / 9782802751861 |
Series name | Union des avocats européens (UAE) |
Weight | 366 g |
Status | Available |
Number of pages | 216 p. |
Access to exercice | No |
Publisher | Larcier |
Language | English |
Publication Date | Apr 20, 2015 |
Available on Strada Belgique | Yes |
Available on Strada Europe | No |
Available on Strada Luxembourg | No |
I – Opening remarks and keynote speech
• UAE Congress Opening Remarks, by Carlos Botelho Moniz
• Keynote Speech to the XXVII General Congress of the UAE, by Jorge sampaio
II – Economic and financial crisis: the response of the European Union
• Reflections on the Euro Crisis and on the Role of Germany, by Otto Lampe
• The Eurozone Crisis: the Way Forward, by António Vitorino
III – EU State aid control in the banking sector
• Introductory Remarks by the Moderator, by José Luís da Cruz Vilaça
• Overview of State Aid for Banks since the Beginning of the Financial Crisis, by Sophie Bertin Hadjiveltcheva
• The Economic and Financial Crisis in Europe: State Aid and Banks in the European Union – Selected Examples, by François-Charles Laprévote
• State aid control in the banking sector: the recapitalisation of Portuguese banks, by Miguel Mendes Pereira
• The Spanish Financial Sector Restructuring from a State Aid Law Perspective, by Edurne Navarro Varona
• The Irish Banking Crisis – a Special Case, by Richard Ryan
IV – The reform of the banking sector in Europe – the future banking union
• Deposit Guarantee Schemes in the Banking Union, by Thierry Bosly and Diane Verhaegen
• Macro-Prudential Policy and the Single Supervisory Mechanism, by Adelaide Cavaleiro
• The Reform of the Banking Sector in Europe – the Future Banking Union, by Diogo Feio
• The Role of the European Central Bank in the Single Supervisory Mechanism, by Dr Petra Senkovic
V – Legal and economic perspectives of the EU support policies for growth and economic recovery
• The European Union Institutional and Budgetary Framework for Growth and Recovery, by Ricardo Passos
• Le rôle de l’innovation et de la recherche dans la reprise économique de l’UE, by Avv. Bruno Telchini