Family law 53 results

53 results

  1. Adults and Children in Postmodern Societies

    Adults and Children in Postmodern Societies

    A Comparative Law and Multidisciplinary Handbook
    Book | 1st edition 2019 | United Kingdom | Jehanne Sosson, Geoffrey Willems, Gwendoline Motte
    Adults and Children in Postmodern Societies provides a critical analysis of the different ways in which the law can recognise and protect relationships between adults and children in postmodern societies which are characterised by increasingly diverse family configurations.
    €167.00 incl. VAT
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  2. Law and Policy in Modern Family Finance

    Law and Policy in Modern Family Finance

    Property Division in the 21st Century
    Book | 1st edition 2017 | United Kingdom | Jessica Palmer, Nicola Peart, Margaret Briggs, Mark Henaghan
    This book addresses key questions about the division of property when a marriage, civil union, de facto relationship, or other close personal relationship ends. The book adopts a conceptual approach to property division, using New Zealand’s current law as a basis for critical analysis and drawing on international and comparative perspectives.
    €95.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €45.00
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  3. The Future of Registered Partnerships

    The Future of Registered Partnerships

    Family Recognition Beyond Marriage?
    Book | 1st edition 2017 | United Kingdom | Jens Scherpe, Andy Hayward
    In this book, leading family law experts from 15 European and non-European countries present and explain the history and function of registered partnerships in their own family law systems as well as the role registered partnerships play under the ECHR and under EU law.
    €112.00 incl. VAT
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  4. Same-Sex Relationships and Beyond (3rd edition)

    Same-Sex Relationships and Beyond (3rd edition)

    Gender Matters in the EU
    Book | 3rd edition 2017 | United Kingdom | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Angelika Fuchs
    The legal situation concerning same-sex couples is far from homogeneous in Europe. This book gives an overview of the formalisation and consequences of same-sex marriage and partnership all over Europe, discusses children’s rights in same-sex relationships and addresses the topic of gender identity.
    €68.00 incl. VAT
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  5. Nacheheliche Verantwortung in Frankreich und Deutschland

    Nacheheliche Verantwortung in Frankreich und Deutschland

    Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zu Grund und Grenzen zeitgemäßen Unterhalts
    Book | 1st edition 2017 | United Kingdom | Katharina Kaesling
    Grundlage ist ein detaillierter Rechtsvergleich der französischen Ausgleichsleistung prestation compensatoire und des deutschen Geschiedenenunterhalts unter Berücksichtigung relevanter Bezüge zum Scheidungs- und Verfahrensrecht sowie gesellschaftlicher und familienpolitischer Rahmenbedingungen.
    €120.00 incl. VAT
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  6. Sperm Donation, Single Women and Filiation

    Sperm Donation, Single Women and Filiation

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | United Kingdom | Elena Ignovska
    Although recent family law debates have been predominantly paedo-centric, the founding of “bio-medically assisted families” still focuses on the individual parents’ rights to reproduce. By introducing donations, the donor’s genetic contribution becomes instrumental and the legal attribution of parenthood negotiated through expressed intentions. This book provokes the curious mind and clarifies concepts, studies the rationale behind the legal complexity in ten national European jurisdictions, and confronts the rights and responsibilities of the stakeholders, providing a balanced independent conclusion and suggestions towards international harmonisation.
    €103.00 incl. VAT
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  7. European Family Law in Action. Volume V - Informal Relationships

    European Family Law in Action. Volume V - Informal Relationships

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | United Kingdom | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Charlotte Mol, Emma van Gelder
    This volume contains detailed information on the law on ‘informal relationships’ in 30 European countries. An informal relationship refers to a relationship that is not formalised as a marriage or as a registered partnership/civil union between a couple.
    €159.00 incl. VAT
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  8. Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property Relations Between Spouses

    Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property Relations Between Spouses

    Book | 1st edition 2013 | Europe | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Frédérique Ferrand, Cristina González Beilfuss, Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, Nigel Lowe, Dieter Martiny, Walter Pintens
    This book contains the Principles of European Family Law regarding Property Relations between Spouses. In these Principles, the CEFL has developed an all-inclusive set of rules for two matrimonial property regimes: the participation in acquisitions and the community of acquisitions.
    €92.00 incl. VAT
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  9. Fifty Years in Family Law

    Fifty Years in Family Law

    Essays for Stephen Cretney
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Rebecca Probert, Chris Barton
    Stephen Cretney has long been regarded as the leading English scholar in the field of family law, as prolific as he is profound. Even if the essays in this book had not been written in his honour, they would inevitably have had to rely heavily on his work. Private ordering, marriage, civil partnership, cohabitation, children, separation, divorce – the entire spectrum of family law is covered here – have all benefited from his insightful comments and meticulous scholarship.
    €84.01 incl. VAT
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  10. Reconstructing Marriage

    Reconstructing Marriage

    The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Caroline Sörgjerd
    In Reconstructing Marriage - The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society Caroline Sörgjerd explores the essence of the institution of marriage: what is the meaning of marriage today, how has marriage been influenced by the legal recognition of new cohabitation models and what should be the role of the institution of marriage in the future?
    €92.00 incl. VAT
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  11. La justice des mineurs en Europe

    La justice des mineurs en Europe

    Une question de spécialité?
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Yann Favier, Frédérique Ferrand
    Dans le contexte de profondes mutations du droit des mineurs et de la création en France, d’un code de justice pénale des mineurs on peut s’interroger sur l’avenir de la justice des mineurs en tant qu’objet d’étude spécifique mais aussi en tant qu’objet tout court : que recouvre-t-elle ? En Europe, des réformes similaires ont été menées, avec des postulats et des résultats très variés: le présent ouvrage est l’occasion d’en débattre en laissant une large place aux apports étrangers.
    €66.00 incl. VAT
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  12. The Future of Family Property in Europe

    The Future of Family Property in Europe

    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Joanna K. Miles, Jens Scherpe
    This book covers five areas of family property law in Europe: Matrimonial Property Law in Europe, Family Contracts – Issues of Autonomy, Protection of Older People in Law, Freedom of Testation and Protection of Family Members, and the Unification of Private International Law. These issues are discussed throughout the book, together addressing the broad question: what might be the future of family property law in Europe?
    €97.00 incl. VAT
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  13. Imperative Inheritance Law in a Late-Modern Society

    Imperative Inheritance Law in a Late-Modern Society

    Five Perspectives
    Book | 1st edition 2009 | World | Christoph Castelein, Rene Foqué, Alain-Laurent Verbeke
    This volume in the EFL-Series aims at enabling a larger and more contextualised view on succession law, by studying the issue of imperative inheritance law from five different perspectives: legal anthropology, legal history, sociology of law, law and economics, and comparative law. All perspectives are introduced by eminent scholars.
    €57.00 incl. VAT
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  14. Foundational Facts, Relative Truths

    Foundational Facts, Relative Truths

    A Comparative Law Study on ChildrenÂs Right to Know Their Genetic Origins
    Book | 1st edition 2009 | Europe | Richard J. Blauwhoff
    This book deals with the rights of persons, both children and adults, who feel a strong wish to find out who their biological parents are. The identification of biological parents may become important in a wide variety of situations, which run the gamut from adoption to sperm donor anonymity and ‘misattributed paternity’. A thorough comparative study of the relevant law across a number of jurisdictions found on the European continent has now for the first time been made available in English.
    €92.00 incl. VAT
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