Training Framework on the Provisions of Suspects' Rights
Book | 1st edition 2013 | United Kingdom | Taru Spronken, Jodie Blackstock, Edward Lloyd-Cape, Jacqueline Hodgson, Anna Ogorodova, Miet Vanderhallen
This Training Framework is based on the empirical study of the procedural rights of suspects in England and Wales, France, the Netherlands and Scotland. Its objective is to enhance the knowledge, understanding and skills of criminal justice practitioners – police officers and defence lawyers – in respect of the procedural rights of suspects in police detention.
Book | 1st edition 2013 | United Kingdom | Patricia Popelier, Sarah Verstraelen, Dirk Vanheule, Beatrix Vanlerberghe
Constitutional review is a hot topic in contemporary constitutional debate and design. However, the legal force of judicial decisions, and in particular their effect in time, is an under-studied issue in the literature.
An exploration of the notion 'deliberate breach of contract' and its consequences for the application of remedies
Book | 1st edition 2013 | United Kingdom | Martijn van Kogelenberg
This book argues that motive in committing breach of contract should matter in the application of remedies in contract. Deliberate breach of contract requires a different and sterner answer from the law of contract than any other breach of contract, because equally remedying all breaches of contract threatens parties’ trust in the law of contract.
A Study of Transnational Defence Rights and Mutual Recognition of Judicial Decisions within the EU
Book | 1st edition 2013 | Europe | Malin Thunberg Schunke
The growing attention being paid to transnational criminality and the emergence of new models of state cooperation make it necessary to reconsider the traditional features of human rights enforcement. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of how criminal procedural rights are (if at all) protected within the framework of mutual recognition within the EU. The study concentrates on the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant.
Book | 1st edition 2013 | United Kingdom | Aalt Willem Heringa, Aalt Heringa
This book on Legal Education was written based upon many of the author's experiences as professor and dean. It focuses on many issues such as teaching itself, employability, mission and focus of law schools, the future of law schools in this age of internationalisation, student intake, the link with the labour markets and many other issues.
Book | 1st edition 2013 | United Kingdom | Giorgio Repetto
In recent years the European Convention on Human Rights gained unexpected relevance in the European constitutional culture. On the one hand its increasing importance is closely linked to institutional reforms that strengthened the European Court of Human Rights’ reputation vis-à-vis the Member States. On the other hand, and even more importantly, the ECHR’s significance arises from a changing perception of its constitutional potential. This volume examines the different facets of the ECHR’s constitutional relevance by separating the ECHR’s role as a ‘factor of Europeanisation’ for national constitutional systems from its role as a veritable European transnational constitution in the field of human rights.
Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Patricia Popelier, Armen Mazmanyan, Werner Vandenbruwaene
Constitutional review has not only expanded geographically; it has also expanded in its mission and function, acquiring new subject areas and new roles and responsibilities. In examining these new roles and responsibilities, this collection reflects on constitutional review as an aspect of constitutionalism framed in the context of multilevel governance.
Fundamental Aspects of Fact-finding and Evidence-taking in a Comparative Context
Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | C.H. van Rhee, Alan Uzelac
In the pursuit of justice, truth always plays a prominent role. In most legal systems, elaborate rules on the taking of evidence try to guarantee that an accurate, factual basis is used for the application of the law. Such rules are the core of most methods of adjudication and they are the main theme of the present volume, which focuses specifically on the rules of evidence within the context of efficiency in civil proceedings.
Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Sabine Braun, Judith L. Taylor
With regard to interpreting, the use of videoconference technology is now being widely considered as a potential solution for gaining cost-effective and timely access to qualified legal interpreters. This book addresses the many questions related to this technological mediation.
Book | 1st edition 2012 | United Kingdom | Ding Chunyan
This is the first book in English on medical negligence law in China. Relying on the methodologies of statutory interpretation, case study, and socio-legal analysis, it systematically investigates and comprehensively analyses four major problems in Chinese medical negligence law that result in widespread unfairness and uncertainty.
Optimizing Enforcement in Case of Environmental Violations
Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Katarina Svatikova
This book examines the question why – from an economic perspective – society should enforce certain violations through criminal law, while others through private or administrative law.
This book deals with the endeavor of national and supranational legislators to develop more attractive corporate legal forms and investment frameworks. It focuses on some recent national corporate law reforms, the newly introduced European legal form Societas Europaea and the choice of law in corporate debt securities.
Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Lotte Meurkens, Emily Nordin
In their search for better ways to enforce private and public legal rules, prevent damage, and compensate victims of grave wrongdoing, European legal scholars and policy makers show an increased interest in this particular private law remedy. The twenty-two authors of this book reflect on the pros and cons, applicability, aims and limitations of punitive damages in terms of different legal themes.
Prevention of terrorism and compliance with fundamental legal rights and principles of law - the Dutch antiterrorism legislation
Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Karin Veegens
Since the 9/11 attacks combating terrorism has gained top priority within Dutch politics. This book discusses the scope of the preventive-oriented Dutch anti-terrorism legislation and its impact on fundamental legal rights and principles of law as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. It analyses criminal liability for terrorist offences and discuses in particular the level of suspicion that is required to apply state powers to prevent acts of terrorism in light of the relevant fundamental legal rights.
Book | 1st edition 2011 | United Kingdom | Aalt Willem Heringa, Aalt Heringa, Bram Akkermans
This books pays attention to the developments in European law and the effects these have on legal education in general as well as in other fields. Drawing from their own experiences, the authors describe the current state of law, offer perspectives on future developments and explain how they translate these developments in the law school curriculum. All the contributions in this book have in common that each author seeks to better prepare students for a future in a more integrated Europe.
New insights from national social security law and international law
Book | 1st edition 2011 | Europe | Klaus Kapuy
How should a State treat an irregular migrant worker who is confronted with the realisation of a social risk such as becoming incapacitated for work due to a labour accident? Should he be treated like any other worker and qualify for income replacement benefits, medical benefits and labour-market reintegration measures? Or should he be denied these benefits? This book addresses these questions and sets out proposals on how irregular migrant workers should be treated in national social security law.
Book | 1st edition 2011 | Europe | Tineke Dijkhoff
Within the European Union, social security basically remains a national field of competence. The lack of common norms has paved the way for a large disparity in social protection between EU Member States, which is not conducive to the European single market. Moreover, it may lead to an increase in poverty and social exclusion and intensify economic competition between Member States. At the same time, almost all EU Member States are bound by one or more international social security instruments developed by the ILO and by the Council of Europe. This book analyses the international standards, followed by the case studies of the Czech Republic and Estonia.
Book | 1st edition 2011 | United Kingdom | Jane Mair, Esin Örücü
This collection of comparative essays brings together reflections on a range of religions, including Islam, Judaism and Roman Catholicism, and seeks to discover the place which religion has or might have within family law.
A Comparative Study of the United States, Germany and the Netherlands
Book | 1st edition 2011 | United Kingdom | Anna Jasiak
Legislatures sometimes adopt laws that create a special legal regime for a particular case rather than general rules for an indefinite number of situations or persons. These ad hoc laws are controversial. The purpose of this first in-depth comparative study in the fields of constitutional law and legislative studies is to clarify the use and existence of ad hoc laws and to place them within a constitutional framework of the rule of law. It is a comparative study of the United States, Germany and the Netherlands.