Comparative law 103 results

103 results

  1. The Landscape of the Legal Professions in Europe and the USA: Continuity and Change

    The Landscape of the Legal Professions in Europe and the USA: Continuity and Change

    Book | 1st edition 2011 | United Kingdom | Alan Uzelac, C.H. van Rhee
    The present volume deals with recent developments in the legal profession in Europe and in the United States of America from a comparative and historical perspective. Apart from discussing the legal profession in general, specific attention is paid to the Latin Notary, the Advocates, the Rechtspfleger, the State Attorney, court experts, and mediators and arbitrators.
    €73.00 incl. VAT
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  2. La justice des mineurs en Europe

    La justice des mineurs en Europe

    Une question de spécialité?
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Yann Favier, Frédérique Ferrand
    Dans le contexte de profondes mutations du droit des mineurs et de la création en France, d’un code de justice pénale des mineurs on peut s’interroger sur l’avenir de la justice des mineurs en tant qu’objet d’étude spécifique mais aussi en tant qu’objet tout court : que recouvre-t-elle ? En Europe, des réformes similaires ont été menées, avec des postulats et des résultats très variés: le présent ouvrage est l’occasion d’en débattre en laissant une large place aux apports étrangers.
    €66.00 incl. VAT
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  3. Conflict of Laws and Laws of Conflict in Europe and Beyond

    Conflict of Laws and Laws of Conflict in Europe and Beyond

    Patterns of Supranational and Transnational Juridification
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Rainer Nickel
    This book seeks to find new ways for a democratisation of European and transnational governance outside traditional models, and more convincing ways of a European and transnational ‘juridification’ that reconciles democracy, diversity, and social rights.
    €97.00 incl. VAT
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  4. Social Security as a Public Interest

    Social Security as a Public Interest

    A multidisciplinary inquiry into the foundations of the regulatory welfare state
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Gijsbert Vonk, Albertjan Tollenaar
    Our social security systems face many challenges. Economic crises, the ageing of the population and changing employment patterns call for a reorientation of policies. In the last few decades the introduction of private elements has often been advocated as a way forward. This book addresses the questions to which this privatisation gives rise.
    €64.00 incl. VAT
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  5. Fact-Finding in Civil Litigation

    Fact-Finding in Civil Litigation

    A Comparative Perspective
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Remme Verkerk
    This book provides a comparative analysis of the process of fact-finding in the litigation process. It offers theoretical insights on the distinctive features of the fact-finding arrangements in civil cases andt also examines the empirical data that shed light on the operation of procedural rules in legal practice.
    €100.00 incl. VAT
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  6. Effective Criminal Defence in Europe

    Effective Criminal Defence in Europe

    Book | 1st edition 2010 | Europe | Edward Lloyd-Cape, Zaza Namoradze, Roger Smith, Taru Spronken
    Every year, millions of people across Europe – innocent and guilty - are arrested and detained by the police. Based on a three year research study, this book explores and compares access to effective defence in criminal proceedings across nine European jurisdictions that constitute examples of the three major legal traditions in Europe, inquisitorial, adversarial and post-state socialist: Belgium, England & Wales, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Turkey. It is essential reading for academics, researchers, students, defence lawyers and policy-makers in the area of criminal justice in Europe.
    €110.00 incl. VAT
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  7. Financial Supervision in a Comparative Perspective

    Financial Supervision in a Comparative Perspective

    Book | 1st edition 2010 | Europe | Margherita Poto
    This book provides an overview of the role of the independent administrative authorities assigned to the oversight of financial markets, by outlining both the historic and economic background, the warp and the weft of the European system, and where these authorities have emerged and now operate.
    €40.00 incl. VAT
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  8. The Making of Chinese Condominium Law

    The Making of Chinese Condominium Law

    A Comparative Perspective with American and South African Condominium Laws
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | United Kingdom | Lei Chen
    Even though apartments are the dominant form of housing in China, they are still largely poorly regulated. This book addresses the legal deficiency of condominium law and seeks to map out an academically rigorous approach to understanding and formalizing it with a critical comparative analysis.
    €60.00 incl. VAT
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  9. Enforcement and Enforceability

    Enforcement and Enforceability

    Tradition and Reform
    Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | C.H. van Rhee, Alan Uzelac
    This book supplies a number of perspectives on the development of enforcement of court judgments and other enforceable documents in Europe. The articles are written by experts from legal academia and professionals involved in enforcement practice. New trends are highlighted.
    €73.00 incl. VAT
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  10. Access to Justice and the Judiciary

    Access to Justice and the Judiciary

    Towards New European Standards of Affordability, Quality and Efficiency of Civil Adjudication
    Book | 1st edition 2009 | United Kingdom | Alan Uzelac, C.H. van Rhee
    In a time when an ever growing demand for justice meets economic crisis and shrinking resources, innovative approaches to access to justice are urgently needed. The present volume discusses a variety of such approaches from across Europe (and beyond), all united by their significance in contemporary trends in legal and judicial reform.
    €56.00 incl. VAT
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  11. European Cooperation between Financial Supervisory, Tax and Judicial Authorities

    European Cooperation between Financial Supervisory, Tax and Judicial Authorities

    Book | 1st edition 2008 | Europe | Michiel Luchtman
    This book focuses on the relationship between the two instruments for transnational co-operation in the field of evidence gathering, namely mutual assistance in administrative matters and mutual assistance in criminal matters. This volume not only contains an analysis of the relevant rules on transnational law enforcement co-operation, but also the results of a comparative study into the nature and organisation of national law enforcement in three States. Special attention is paid to banking secrecy.
    €66.00 incl. VAT
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  12. Nordic Law - Between Tradition and Dynamism

    Nordic Law - Between Tradition and Dynamism

    Book | 1st edition 2007 | United Kingdom | Jaakko Husa, Kimmo Nuotio, Heikki Pihlajamäki
    This book explores the mentality underlying Nordic law and seeks to explain its relationship with both long-term cultural tradition and the forces that account for its historical continuity. How was Nordic law transformed into a vehicle of social change, progress and instrumentalism?
    €45.00 incl. VAT
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  13. Food Safety Regulation in Europe

    Food Safety Regulation in Europe

    Book | 1st edition 2007 | United Kingdom | Ellen Vos, Frank Wendler
    this book investigates the legal and institutional structures of food safety regulation and their recent developments in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Hungary, and at the EU level. The choice of countries is intended to shed light on the different ways in which European systems of food safety regulation have been affected by major food scares. It provides insights into how the various actors perceive the practical functioning of these systems.
    €101.00 incl. VAT
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  14. Contract Interpretation and Gap Filling: Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives

    Contract Interpretation and Gap Filling: Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives

    Book | 1st edition 2006 | United Kingdom | Nicole Kornet
    This book also contains a theoretical component that draws insights and inspiration from autonomy-based theories of contract, law and economics, notions of fairness and socio-legal perspectives to establish why contracting parties leave gaps in their contracts, whether intervention is justified and, if so, how gaps in contracts should be filled.
    €101.00 incl. VAT
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