Book | 1st edition 2015 | Europe | Jacobien Rutgers, Pietro Sirena
This book brings together the papers presented at the Society of European Contract Law’s 13th annual conference. It discusses the effect of constitutional principles, common principles to the laws of the EU Member States and whether common principles can be transferred into rules.
Book | 1st edition 2015 | Europe | Bram Akkermans, Jaap Hage, Nicole Kornet, Jan Smits
There is an increasing debate on the way in which the EU has developed and what it must look like in the future. This debate includes a discussion on one of the core aspects of European integration: at which level should the rules be set and who decides where the authority to do so should lie? Private law has an important role to play in this discussion. Many private law rules touch on the core of the internal market as they serve to foster trade or to offer protection to market participants, such as consumers.
Les frontières du droit international privé européen / Las fronteras del derecho internacional privado europeo
Book | 1st edition 2015 | Europe | Jean-Sylvestre Bergé, Stéphanie Francq, Miguel Gardenes Santiago
L’existence d’un droit international privé européen n’est plus à démontrer. Les développements considérables auxquels il donne lieu aujourd’hui soulèvent la question de ses frontières. Où commence et où s’arrête le DIP européen ?
Book | 2nd edition 2014 | Europe | Norbert Reich, Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Peter Rott, Klaus Tonner
In recent years, EU consumer law has been subject to spectacular decisions by the European Court of Justice, with important consequences for the private law of Member States. Currently, it is under scrutiny by the EC Commission, which has just published a proposal for the revision of important aspects of the EU consumer law acquis. The authors have taken a broad horizontal approach at the European acquis, thereby reflecting on the history, the achievements and also the shortcomings of EC law.
Book | 1st edition 2014 | Europe | Marco Loos, Marco B.M. Loos, Ilse Samoy
Differences in contract law and the additional transaction costs and complexity they generate in cross-border transactions dissuade a considerable number SMEs from expanding into markets of other Member States. These differences are also said to limit competition in the internal market.
Book | 1st edition 2013 | Europe | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Frédérique Ferrand, Cristina González Beilfuss, Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, Nigel Lowe, Dieter Martiny, Walter Pintens
This book contains the Principles of European Family Law regarding Property Relations between Spouses. In these Principles, the CEFL has developed an all-inclusive set of rules for two matrimonial property regimes: the participation in acquisitions and the community of acquisitions.
Book | 1st edition 2013 | World | Eveline Ramaekers
This study provides an overview of the existing acquis communautaire in property law, and presents a proposal for the future development of this field of law. It deals with the influence of the EU’s four freedoms on national property law and discusses whether or not the EU would have the competence to actively create property law, and the extent to which it has already done so.
Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | Marco Loos, Ilse Samoy, Marco B.M. Loos
Modern society is full of linked contracts: a plurality of separately concluded contracts that are somehow interrelated. However, contract law is still primarily centred on traditional contractual relations between (just) two parties. This book therefore explores the legal consequences of the existence of linked contracts. It thereby provides insights for practice and academia in this new phenomenon.
The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society
Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Caroline Sörgjerd
In Reconstructing Marriage - The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society Caroline Sörgjerd explores the essence of the institution of marriage: what is the meaning of marriage today, how has marriage been influenced by the legal recognition of new cohabitation models and what should be the role of the institution of marriage in the future?
Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Joanna K. Miles, Jens Scherpe
This book covers five areas of family property law in Europe: Matrimonial Property Law in Europe, Family Contracts – Issues of Autonomy, Protection of Older People in Law, Freedom of Testation and Protection of Family Members, and the Unification of Private International Law. These issues are discussed throughout the book, together addressing the broad question: what might be the future of family property law in Europe?
Book | 1st edition 2010 | Europe | Sarah Schoenmaekers
This book discusses and compares the different legal and economic aspects of the regulation of architects in Belgium and the Netherlands . It also discusses EU legislation and case law on the free movement of architects in and to the European Union.
This book provides a comparative analysis of the process of fact-finding in the litigation process. It offers theoretical insights on the distinctive features of the fact-finding arrangements in civil cases andt also examines the empirical data that shed light on the operation of procedural rules in legal practice.
Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | C.H. van Rhee, Alan Uzelac
This book supplies a number of perspectives on the development of enforcement of court judgments and other enforceable documents in Europe. The articles are written by experts from legal academia and professionals involved in enforcement practice. New trends are highlighted.
Book | 1st edition 2010 | World | Jane Mair, Esin Örücü
This edited volume tests the Principles of European Family Law on Parental Responsibilities in a range of legal systems, and in so doing assesses these legal systems in view of the Principles, and the Principles in view of these legal systems.
Book | 1st edition 2009 | World | Christoph Castelein, Rene Foqué, Alain-Laurent Verbeke
This volume in the EFL-Series aims at enabling a larger and more contextualised view on succession law, by studying the issue of imperative inheritance law from five different perspectives: legal anthropology, legal history, sociology of law, law and economics, and comparative law. All perspectives are introduced by eminent scholars.
A Comparative Law Study on ChildrenÂs Right to Know Their Genetic Origins
Book | 1st edition 2009 | Europe | Richard J. Blauwhoff
This book deals with the rights of persons, both children and adults, who feel a strong wish to find out who their biological parents are. The identification of biological parents may become important in a wide variety of situations, which run the gamut from adoption to sperm donor anonymity and ‘misattributed paternity’. A thorough comparative study of the relevant law across a number of jurisdictions found on the European continent has now for the first time been made available in English.
Book | 1st edition 2009 | World | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Bente Braat, Ian Curry-Sumner
This volume contains detailed information concerning the law on property relations between spouses (matrimonial property law) in twenty-six European jurisdictions.
Book | 1st edition 2009 | World | Katharina Boele-Woelki
This volume contains articles on three issues that at the dawn of the 21st century have provoked passionate discussion: (compulsory) arrangements regarding children; registration schemes for same-sex couples: new jurisdictions ; and the effectiveness of the pater est rule.
Book | 1st edition 2008 | Europe | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Tone Sverdrup
This book contains the contributions to the third CEFL conference which took place in Oslo in June 2007. The general topic European Challenges in Contemporary Family Law has been divided into five themes:• The Harmonisation of Family Law• Children and Their Parents• Irregular Marriages and the Influence of Multiculturalism• (Property) Relations between Spouses and Cohabitants• Cross-Border Family Relationships.