European law 249 results

249 results

  1. Towards a New European Impetus Post-Brexit

    Towards a New European Impetus Post-Brexit

    A View Behind the Scenes
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Rudy Aernoudt
    Europe is under attack. Populism and nationalism are rampant, the United Kingdom has left the European Union and public confidence in Europe is waning. How should it move forward? With that question, the author takes the reader behind the scenes, offering unique, personal insights and positive solutions to address these issues, whilst also encouraging readers to develop their own vision of Europe and its future.
    €69.00 incl. VAT
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  2. Leaving, Entering, and Remaining: Seeking Asylum in an Extraterritorial World

    Leaving, Entering, and Remaining: Seeking Asylum in an Extraterritorial World

    Book | 1st edition 2023 | World | Mary Dickson
    Member States of the European Union have suggested resorting to the extraterritorial processing of asylum claims and resettlement as alternatives to the spontaneous arrival of refugees/asylum seekers at their borders. Yet there exists no consensus about the definition, operation, and implications of these policies. Central to the currently prevailing uncertainty is the effect of extraterritoriality, both in terms of legal and ethical obligations owed to those who are geographically distant from a particular state border. This book seeks to contribute to the discussion on extraterritorial processing and resettlement by considering their implications. It does so by using a mixed methodology, comprising of legal analysis and ethical reasoning, in order to appraise the legality and legitimacy of these policies. The structure of leaving, entering, and remaining is employed to consider the right to leave, non-refoulement, the ability to receive protection in an EU Member State, and their interaction with the extraterritorial context. Scholars researching alternatives to the spontaneous arrival of asylum seekers will find this book particularly relevant, as well as those studying the protection of human rights in the extraterritorial context more generally. Finally, the book also provides insights for policy-makers exploring novel pathways to complement existing asylum systems.
    €90.00 incl. VAT
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  3. Profiling through Big Data Analytics

    Profiling through Big Data Analytics

    The Interplay between the General Data Protection Regulation and Unfair Commercial Practices Directive
    Book | 1st edition 2023 | Europe | Maja Niševic
    This book investigates the practice of profiling using Big Data Analytics, with the main focus on the interplay between the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the European Union Unfair Commercial Practice Directive (UCPD). This book is an interdisciplinary study of profiling as a technological tool, and of its legal framework, including comparative analysis of the case law on personal data processing.
    €130.00 incl. VAT
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  4. Fundamental Rights Violations by Private Actors and the Procedure before the ECHR

    Fundamental Rights Violations by Private Actors and the Procedure before the ECHR

    A Study of Verticalised Cases
    Book | 1st edition 2022 | Europe | Claire Loven
    Article 34 of the European Convention on Human Rights prescribes that individual applications must be directed against one of the Convention States. Consequently, private actors involved in proceedings against other private actors before domestic courts must complain about State (in)action in their application to the European Court of Human Rights. In other words, originally 'horizontal' conflicts must be 'verticalised' in order to be admissible. Although such verticalised cases make up a large portion of the Court's case law, the particular nature of these cases, as well as procedural issues that may arise in them, has not received much attention. To fill this gap, this book offers a detailed examination of verticalised cases coming before the Court. The characteristics of and the Court's approach to verticalised cases are explored by means of an in-depth analysis of four types of verticalised cases (cases related to one's surroundings; cases involving a conflict between the right to reputation and private life and the right to freedom of expression; family life cases; and employer-employee cases). On the basis of this analysis, it is argued that the Court's current approach to verticalised cases poses problems for private actors, Convention States and the Court itself. In presenting recommendations for the resolution of these problems, the book concludes with a proposal for a new approach to verticalised cases, consisting of a redesigned third-party intervention procedure.
    €89.00 incl. VAT
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  5. Europe & Digital

    Europe & Digital

    Theory connected to reality
    Book | 1st edition 2022 | Europe | Alexis Cruysmans, Lorette Rousseau

    Sont abordés dans cet ouvrage : le blanchiment d’argent, la protection de la vie privée, les successions internationales, les situations transfrontalières d’un point de vue civil ou d’un point de vue fiscal, l’impact des dispositions européennes en matière immobilière ainsi que le digital, qui génère des mutations profondes pour la profession notariale notamment.

    €69.00 incl. VAT
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  6. Boundaries of Information Property

    Boundaries of Information Property

    Book | 1st edition 2022 | Europe | Christine Godt, Geertrui Van Overwalle, Lucie Guibault, Deryck Beyleveld
    This book is the result of a long-term comparative research project on intellectual property. It unearths the thought patterns which are culturally, morally and historically imprinted across Europe and questions the common narratives of the distinctiveness of private and public law, contracts and property, and morality and the law.
    €159.00 incl. VAT
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  7. Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction

    Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction

    The Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings
    Book | 1st edition 2022 | World | Katarina Trimmings, Anatol Dutta, Costanza Honorati, Mirela Zupan
    This book addresses the issue of mothers who, fleeing from domestic violence, take their children with them and thus become liable for international child abduction. It examines how protection measures can help the abducting mother in this context, with a special focus on the utility of Regulation 606/2013 on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters and Directive 2011/99/EU on the European Protection Order, which allow cross-border circulation of protection measures.
    €79.00 incl. VAT
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  8. L’accès aux droits de la personne et de la famille en Europe / Access to Personal and Family Rights in Europe

    L'accès aux droits de la personne et de la famille en Europe / Access to Personal and Family Rights

    Access to personal and family rights in Europe
    Book | 1st edition 2022 | Europe | Patrick Wautelet, Cécile Corso

    Quelles sont les difficultés auxquelles font face les citoyens et les personnes qui les conseillent dans des situations de mobilité, lorsqu’elles sont confrontées à des problèmes juridiques liés aux relations familiales ? Comment apporter une réponse ?

    €89.00 incl. VAT
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  9. European Employment Law, 2nd edition

    European Employment Law, 2nd edition

    A Systematic Exposition
    Book | 2nd edition 2022 | Europe | Karl Riesenhuber
    This volume covers the complete scope of European employment law: its foundations in EU primary law and its various sources in EU secondary legislation, as well as the growing body of case law of the European Court of Justice.
    €212.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €54.00
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  10. Materials on European Criminal Law

    Materials on European Criminal Law

    Fourth Edition
    Book | 4th edition 2022 | Europe | André Klip
    The fourth edition of Materials on European Criminal Law is a collection of legal instruments including all legal materials relevant for the practice of the Member States of the European Union in one concise volume.
    €86.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €39.00
    Temporarily unavailable
  11. Treaty-Making in Federations

    Treaty-Making in Federations

    Democratic Legitimacy Tried and Tested in Matters of Taxation
    Book | 1st edition 2021 | World | Rik Smet
    This book deals with the subject of treaty making in federations. First, a theoretical framework is developed, addressing the question of which level(s) of government should possess treaty making power. Second, the current legal framework is analyzed from three perspectives: international, European and comparative domestic. Third, the theory developed is put to the practical test and an assessment is made regarding the making of tax treaties in the most peculiar federation in this regard, namely Belgium.
    €143.00 incl. VAT
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  12. Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove (Français-Anglais)

    Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove

    La lutte contre le terrorisme / The fight aigainst terrorism
    Book | 1st edition 2021 | World | Christiane Höhn, Isabel Saavedra, Anne Weyembergh
    La lutte contre le terrorisme est multidimensionnelle. L’ouvrage l'examine sous toutes ses formes, dans le cadre européen et aux niveaux international et national. Il se penche tant sur la prévention que sur la répression.
    €183.00 incl. VAT
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