European law 215 results

215 results

  1. European Non-Discrimination Law

    European Non-Discrimination Law

    A Comparison of EU Law and the ECHR in the Field of Non-Discrimination and Freedom of Religion in Public Employment with an Emphasis on the Islamic He
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Sarah Haverkort-Speekenbrink
    Contemporary multicultural issues in Europe raise the question whether the overlap between the non-discrimination regimes of the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe in the field of public employment may lead to conflicting case law. Would the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) address potential sex, race and religious discrimination in a similar manner or would the Courts take a different approach?
    €90.00 incl. VAT
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  2. Enforcing Health and Safety Regulation

    Enforcing Health and Safety Regulation

    A Comparative Economic Approach
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Laura Tilindyté
    This book examines the enforcement of occupational health and safety (OHS) regulation from the perspective of law and economics. It starts with an extensive survey of the economic literature on regulation and enforcement and subsequently provides an overview of the international legal framework for OHS enforcement..
    €77.00 incl. VAT
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  3. Mens rea and defences in European criminal law

    Mens rea and defences in European criminal law

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Jeroen Blomsma
    In the past decades, the process of European integration has influenced all fields of law, and eventually also criminal law. European legislation now requires Member States to criminalize all sorts of harmful conduct but does not determine the full scope of criminal liability, omitting to define general principles of criminal law such as ‘intention’. This book aims to remedy this by establishing what mens rea and defences should look like in European criminal law.
    €126.00 incl. VAT
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  4. European Yearbook of Disability Law

    European Yearbook of Disability Law

    Volume 3
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Lisa Waddington, Gerard Quinn, Eilionoir Flynn
    This Yearbook consists of a review of the preceding year’s significant events, as well as policy and legal developments within the institutions of the European Union. It reviews major EU policy developments, studies and other publications, legislative proposals, and case law from the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.
    €94.00 incl. VAT
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  5. Cross-Border Welfare State

    Cross-Border Welfare State

    Immigration, social security & integration
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Gijsbert Vonk
    The position of non-EU migrants in social security is problematic. Many European states reduce access to social benefits for categories of migrants whose presence is not desired. At the same time the scope of application of the national systems is becoming more confined to the national borders, as, for example, countries take measures to reduce the exportability of benefits. These two trends of exclusion and retrenchment particularly affect irregular immigrants and persons moving between Europe and developing countries who are not protected by any bilateral social security agreements.
    €71.00 incl. VAT
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  6. Linked Contracts

    Linked Contracts

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | World | Marco Loos, Ilse Samoy, Marco B.M. Loos
    Modern society is full of linked contracts: a plurality of separately concluded contracts that are somehow interrelated. However, contract law is still primarily centred on traditional contractual relations between (just) two parties. This book therefore explores the legal consequences of the existence of linked contracts. It thereby provides insights for practice and academia in this new phenomenon.
    €53.00 incl. VAT
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  7. The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States

    The European Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States

    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Bruno de Witte
    Recently the ECJ has been criticized by leading politicians, national judges and legal academics for unduly extending the scope of EU law and overstepping its own jurisdiction, to the detriment of the reserved competences or (more broadly) the political autonomy of the member states. This volume seeks to address this question from a scholarly perspective, by collecting and confronting the views of leading specialists of EU law examining the ECJ’s recent role.
    €107.00 incl. VAT
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  8. Reconstructing Marriage

    Reconstructing Marriage

    The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Caroline Sörgjerd
    In Reconstructing Marriage - The Legal Status of Relationships in a Changing Society Caroline Sörgjerd explores the essence of the institution of marriage: what is the meaning of marriage today, how has marriage been influenced by the legal recognition of new cohabitation models and what should be the role of the institution of marriage in the future?
    €96.00 incl. VAT
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  9. The Power of Punitive Damages

    The Power of Punitive Damages

    Is Europe Missing Out?
    Book | 1st edition 2012 | Europe | Lotte Meurkens, Emily Nordin
    In their search for better ways to enforce private and public legal rules, prevent damage, and compensate victims of grave wrongdoing, European legal scholars and policy makers show an increased interest in this particular private law remedy. The twenty-two authors of this book reflect on the pros and cons, applicability, aims and limitations of punitive damages in terms of different legal themes.
    €114.00 incl. VAT
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  10. EU Energy Law and Policy Issues

    EU Energy Law and Policy Issues

    Volume 3
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | Europe | Bram Delvaux, Michaël Hunt, Kim Talus
    This third volume of EU Energy Law and Policy Issues presents an overview of some of the most recent developments taking place in the EU energy sector at a time when the Third Energy Package is likely to be or has been implemented in the EU Member States. In this respect, the reader will find a number of contributions which offer detailed and critical views on some of the main issues tackled by the Third Energy Package
    €234.00 incl. VAT
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  11. European Company Law, 2nd edition

    European Company Law, 2nd edition

    Organization, Finance and Capital Markets
    Book | 2nd edition 2011 | Europe | Stefan Grundmann
    Over the last decade, European company law has been re-written completely. Virtually no EU measure remained unchanged and most of them have undergone fundamental reform. This book discusses the EC/EU law first including all instruments through which it is transposed into the national law systems. However, where no EC/EU law exists, a comparative law discussion and policy aspects, namely law and economics, fill the gaps. The whole organism of (limited liability) company law is thus covered.
    €222.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €54.00
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  12. International Social Security Standards in the European Union

    International Social Security Standards in the European Union

    The Cases of the Czech Republic and Estonia
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | Europe | Tineke Dijkhoff
    Within the European Union, social security basically remains a national field of competence. The lack of common norms has paved the way for a large disparity in social protection between EU Member States, which is not conducive to the European single market. Moreover, it may lead to an increase in poverty and social exclusion and intensify economic competition between Member States. At the same time, almost all EU Member States are bound by one or more international social security instruments developed by the ILO and by the Council of Europe. This book analyses the international standards, followed by the case studies of the Czech Republic and Estonia.
    €101.00 incl. VAT
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  13. Disability and Employment

    Disability and Employment

    A Contemporary Disability Human Rights Approach Applied to Danish, Swedish and EU Law and Policy
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | Europe | Maria Ventegodt Liisberg
    Based on an analysis of the newly-adopted UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and present-day interpretations of international and European human rights instruments, this book seeks to define a contemporary disability human rights approach for the field of employment.
    €83.00 incl. VAT
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  14. Law and Economics in the RIA World

    Law and Economics in the RIA World

    Improving the use of economic analysis in public policy and legislation
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | Europe | Andrea Renda
    The use of economics in public policy, in the form of ex ante Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA), is strongly advocated by international organizations such as the OECD and the World Bank. In the US and the EU, hundreds of RIAs are produced every year to justify public intervention in the form of regulation. But reality shows that in many other countries the adoption and implementation of this tool has been patchy at best.
    €82.00 incl. VAT
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  15. The Future of Family Property in Europe

    The Future of Family Property in Europe

    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Katharina Boele-Woelki, Joanna K. Miles, Jens Scherpe
    This book covers five areas of family property law in Europe: Matrimonial Property Law in Europe, Family Contracts – Issues of Autonomy, Protection of Older People in Law, Freedom of Testation and Protection of Family Members, and the Unification of Private International Law. These issues are discussed throughout the book, together addressing the broad question: what might be the future of family property law in Europe?
    €101.00 incl. VAT
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  16. International Criminal Law from a Swedish Perspective

    International Criminal Law from a Swedish Perspective

    Book | 1st edition 2011 | World | Iain Cameron, Malin Thunberg Schunke, Karin Påle-Bartes, Christoffer Wong, Petter Asp
    This book describes and analyses the Swedish legal rules and practices regarding jurisdiction, mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, extradition and the EU arrest warrant. The Swedish law and practice in international criminal law is particularly significant for two main reasons. It is a system which is both logical and coherent. It displays a considerable Germanic theoretical influence, but its sophistication is tempered by pragmatism, designed to facilitate “user-friendliness”. Secondly, the Nordic countries, because of a common history, and shared language and cultural factors, have long had a very high and effective degree of cooperation in international criminal law matters.
    €97.00 incl. VAT
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