Human rights 220 results

220 results

  1. Aspects of Regulating Freedom of Expression on the Internet

    Aspects of Regulating Freedom of Expression on the Internet

    Book | 1st edition 2008 | United Kingdom | Dragos Cucereanu
    This research aims at determining criteria for regulation of freedom of expression exercised on the internet, allowing a “fair balance” between that freedom and other competing interests. It will hopefully benefit lawyers and courts which have to deal with an increasing number of cases involving online speech. It can also assist legislators when they consider adopting or amending legislation regulating online speech, potentially preventing the adoption of legislation contrary to Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Internet service and content providers may also find interesting to see the part dealing with the distribution of liabilities amongst the participants to online communication.
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  2. Shared Pedagogical Responsibility

    Shared Pedagogical Responsibility

    Book | 1st edition 2008 | United Kingdom | Hans Van Crombrugge, Wouter Vandenhole, Jan C.M. Willems
    Human rights tend to focus on the relationship between individual and state: the individual is rights-holder, the state is duty-holder. Children’s rights bring a third player much more in the picture, namely parents. In this volume, child-rearing responsibilities are examined in the light of children’s rights and (other) human rights. All contributions focus in particular on the proposal to introduce an upbringing (or parenting) pledge.
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  3. Post-Conflict Housing Restitution

    Post-Conflict Housing Restitution

    The European human rights perspective, with a case study on Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Book | 1st edition 2008 | United Kingdom | Antoine Buyse
    The loss of one’s house is often one of the most dramatic personal consequences of armed conflict. In fragile post-conflict societies such a loss does not only cause a flow of refugees and other displaced persons, but it can also be a source of renewed conflict. Restitution of housing could help to solve these problems and thus help to attain peace and to rebuild the rule of law. This study focuses on the legal aspects of restitution.
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  4. The European Convention on Human Rights and Social Security Law

    The European Convention on Human Rights and Social Security Law

    Book | 1st edition 2008 | Europe | Mel Cousins
    The European Convention on Human Rights and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights are of increasing importance in the area of social security. This book provides a practical guide to the social security issues which have been considered by the Court of Human Rights and to give an overview of how these have been analysed by the Court. In addition, some examples are given as to how the provisions of the Convention have been interpreted by a range of national courts
    €52.00 incl. VAT
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  5. Developmental and Autonomy Rights of Children

    Developmental and Autonomy Rights of Children

    Empowering Children, Caregivers and Communities
    Book | 2nd edition 2007 | United Kingdom | Jan C.M. Willems
    The emancipation of the young child and the rehabilitation and emancipation of the deprived, exploited, abused and neglected child remain in a legal shadow land. This book intends to explore this shadow land. It introduces the concepts of the Trias pedagogica and Transism in order to shed light on the obligations and responsibilities of states and other actors in the empowerment of children, caregivers and communities.
    €52.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €26.00
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  6. We Are Here to Serve You!

    We Are Here to Serve You!

    Public Security, Police Reform and Human Rights Implementation in Costa Rica
    Book | 1st edition 2007 | United Kingdom | Quirine Eijkman
    This study evaluates how human rights reform was implemented within the Costa Rican police. It explores the following questions; is there a relationship between the implementation of formal human rights law and changes within the social systems in which law enforcement officials operate? Which socio-political and institutional factors relate to the implementation of human rights within the national police system and the urban police units? Are police officers of the Public Force in San José increasingly stimulated to comply with the norms, standards and values that human rights portray?
    €63.00 incl. VAT
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  7. Application of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law to the Armed Conflicts of the Sudan

    Application of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law to the Armed Conflicts of the Sudan

    Complementary or mutually exclusive regimes?
    Book | 1st edition 2007 | World | Mohamed Abdelsalam Babiker
    Despite the tragic death toll, massive displacement, alleged genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, the Sudanese conflicts have neither featured in the legal literature nor been mentioned in the practice of international Tribunals. This book aims to rectify this by focusing on the ‘Sudan’s armed conflicts’ as a case study.
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  8. The Netherlands and the Development of International Human Rights Instruments

    The Netherlands and the Development of International Human Rights Instruments

    Book | 1st edition 2007 | United Kingdom | Hilde Reiding
    When discussing the Netherlands’ international human rights policies, the first aspects to come to mind are usually those related to how it addresses and reacts to concrete human rights violations by other countries. In fact, there sometimes appears to be a tendency for public opinion to identify a government’s human rights policy with its attempts to pursue human rights issues in its relations with other states. An important element of the Netherlands’ human rights policy that does not generally generate widespread public attention concerns the further development of regional and global human rights systems.The present study thoroughly investigates the Netherlands’ policies towards the creation of international human rights norms and accompanying supervisory procedures from the late 1970s to 2006. It analyses the Dutch position in negotiations on a number of instruments that deal with the freedom from torture, economic and social rights, children’s rights and minority rights. It examines whether the Netherlands was in favour of the creation of further human rights standards and more intrusive supervisory mechanisms, and what arguments and interests determined its position. Attention in this respect is also paid to the role and influence of NGOs, parliament, and different bureaucratic institutions. On the basis of the case studies and an appraisal of the influence of different interests and actors, a general evaluation of the Netherlands’ policies is made. Generally speaking, the Netherlands has a favourable international reputation in the field of human rights, and for a long time domestically, the idea has existed that the Netherlands had a special role to fulfil in the world. Was the Netherlands really acting as a ‘guiding’ human rights country, as many would seem to presume? Or should its policies rather be characterized as the result of a pragmatic adaptation to domestic and international circumstances?
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  9. Universal Jurisdiction in Modern International Law

    Universal Jurisdiction in Modern International Law

    Expansion of National Jurisdiction for Prosecuting Serious Crimes under International Law
    Book | 1st edition 2005 | United Kingdom | Mitsue Inazumi
    This study is based on the following questions: Which jurisdiction can and should be exercised for the prosecution of individuals responsible for gross and serious violations of human rights? And especially, in this regard, what is the role of universal jurisdiction?
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  10. Privatisation and Human Rights in the Age of Globalisation

    Privatisation and Human Rights in the Age of Globalisation

    Book | 1st edition 2005 | United Kingdom | Koen De Feyter, Felipe Gómez Isa
    The growing influence of globalisation, the marked increase in world trade and the perceived necessity of improving their competitiveness in the world trade arena has led countries to reduce State intervention in the economy in order to allow the free market to operate. The privatisation of State provided services and functions and of State owned enterprises fits within such a strategy. Debates on the effects of privatisation have been on-going for decades.
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  11. Temporary Special Measures

    Temporary Special Measures

    Accelerating de facto Equality of Women under Article 4(1) UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
    Book | 1st edition 2003 | United Kingdom | Ineke Boerefijn, Jenny Goldschmidt, Fons Coomans, Jenny E. Goldschmidt, Rikki Holtmaat, Ria Wolleswinkel
    Article 4(1) UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) deals with temporary special (affirmative action) measures aimed at accelerating de facto equality between men and women.
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  12. The Influence of Domestic NGOs on Dutch Human Rights Policy

    The Influence of Domestic NGOs on Dutch Human Rights Policy

    Book | 1st edition 2001 | United Kingdom | Esther van den Berg
    Since the 1950s, the Netherlands has seen a steady growth of non- governmental organisations (NGOs) devoted to the cause of human rights. In the ensuing decades they proliferated and expanded their leverage. At the same time, human rights attained a more secure position on the foreign policy agenda of the Dutch government. Against this background the question arises, to what extent foreign policy¬-making in the field of human rights is determined by the activities of NGOs.
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  13. Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion or Belief in the United Nations

    Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion or Belief in the United Nations

    Book | 1st edition 2000 | United Kingdom | Cornelis D. De Jong
    In this book, the author comes to the conclusion that “eventually freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief may be the best instrument against a world governed by sheer materialistic forces: it is now more than ever relevant to protect and encourage further development of Man’s conscience”.
    €112.00 incl. VAT
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  14. Foreign Policy on Human Rights

    Foreign Policy on Human Rights

    Its Influence on Indonesia under Soeharto
    Book | 1st edition 1999 | United Kingdom | Marlies Glasius
    Many states feel an obligation not only to respect human rights themselves, but also to pursue human rights issues in their relations with other states. Human rights are very much on the international political agenda. Little is known, however, about how much one state can influence another state to improve its human rights record, and which factors make such influence attempts more or less effective.
    €67.00 incl. VAT
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