Environmental and energy law 40 results

40 results

  1. Handbook of Shale Gas Law and Policy

    Handbook of Shale Gas Law and Policy

    Economics, Access, Law, and Regulations in Key Jurisdictions
    Book | 1st edition 2016 | United Kingdom | Tina Hunter
    Concentrating solely on shale gas, this book is structured around five themes, namely an overview and introduction to shale gas activities, shale gas economics and energy security, access to shale gas resources, shale gas law and regulation, and the future of shale gas.
    €149.00 incl. VAT
    Student price: €48.00
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  2. Different Paths Towards Sustainable Biofuels?

    Different Paths Towards Sustainable Biofuels?

    A Comparative Study of the International, EU, and Chinese Regulation of the Sustainability of Biofuels
    Book | 1st edition 2016 | United Kingdom | Taotao Yue
    Biofuels are promoted as a type of renewable energy from biomass that replaces fossil fuels in transportation, in an attempt to achieve the three-fold objectives of energy security, rural development, and GHG emission reductions.
    €143.00 incl. VAT
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  3. A Human Rights-Based Approach to Conserving Protected Areas in China

    A Human Rights-Based Approach to Conserving Protected Areas in China

    Lessons from Europe
    Book | 1st edition 2016 | United Kingdom | Miao He
    As the world’s population grows and the demands for natural resources increase, protected areas are becoming more important, but also more threatened. On the one hand, conservation of protected areas can contribute to the safeguarding of human rights; on the other hand, neglecting human rights can be a trigger for the mismanagement and destruction of protected areas. How can an objective and systematic approach be used to balance human rights protection and the conservation of protected areas?
    €94.00 incl. VAT
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  4. A European Legal Framework for Nuclear Liability

    A European Legal Framework for Nuclear Liability

    Rethinking Current Approaches
    Book | 1st edition 2015 | United Kingdom | Tobias Heldt
    The book presents a proposal for a harmonised European liability regime and discusses possibilities to enhance the feasibility of such a reform. It calls for a stronger involvement of the public in the nuclear sector and emphasises the intrinsic link between effective safety regulation and liability and compensation mechanisms.
    €106.00 incl. VAT
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  5. Who does What? On the Allocation of Regulatory Competences in European Private Law

    Who does What? On the Allocation of Regulatory Competences in European Private Law

    Book | 1st edition 2015 | Europe | Bram Akkermans, Jaap Hage, Nicole Kornet, Jan Smits
    There is an increasing debate on the way in which the EU has developed and what it must look like in the future. This debate includes a discussion on one of the core aspects of European integration: at which level should the rules be set and who decides where the authority to do so should lie? Private law has an important role to play in this discussion. Many private law rules touch on the core of the internal market as they serve to foster trade or to offer protection to market participants, such as consumers.
    €83.00 incl. VAT
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  6. Natura 2000 et le juge / Natura 2000 and the Judge

    Natura 2000 et le juge / Natura 2000 and the Judge

    Situation en Belgique et dans l'Union européenne / Situation in Belgium and in the European Union
    Book | 1st edition 2014 | Europe | Charles-Hubert Born, Francis Haumont
    The book focuses on the legal issues arising from the implementation by the national courts of the provisions relating to Natura 2000, in order to assess the contribution of the judge to the effectiveness of this regime.
    €132.00 incl. VAT
  7. Ressources agricoles et forestières/Agriculture and Forestry

    Ressources agricoles et forestieres/Agriculture and Forestry

    Droit de propriété, économie et environnement/Property rights, economics and environment
    Book | 1st edition 2014 | World | Max Falque, Henri Lamotte
    Analyse de la contribution des droits de propriété ou d’usage et des instruments économiques comme alternative et/ou complément à la réglementation afin d’assurer la gestion durable des ressources agricoles et forestières.
    €99.00 incl. VAT
  8. Compensating Ecological Damage

    Compensating Ecological Damage

    Comparative and Economic Observations
    Book | 1st edition 2013 | United Kingdom | Jing Liu
    This book focuses on the damage to private natural resources which have an ecological value in excess of their market value and the damage to public natural resources. Its aim is to design a compensation system, taking into account the interaction between regulation, liability rules and compensation mechanisms, to both prevent and compensate for ecological damage.
    €108.00 incl. VAT
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  9. EU Law and the Development of a Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Policy

    EU Law and the Development of a Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Policy

    Opportunities and Shortcomings
    Book | 1st edition 2013 | Europe | Bram Delvaux
    The energy and climate change challenge is one of the greatest tests which the EU and its Member States are facing. The need to deliver the triple objectives of the EU’s energy policy, namely a competitive, secure and sustainable energy supply, is stronger than ever. This book analyses whether the current EU regulatory framework for energy law and policy suffices to address the triple objectives of the EU’s energy policy, or by contrast, whether changes to that framework are needed.
    €179.00 incl. VAT
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  10. EU Energy Law and Policy Issues

    EU Energy Law and Policy Issues

    Volume 3
    Book | 1st edition 2011 | Europe | Bram Delvaux, Michaël Hunt, Kim Talus
    This third volume of EU Energy Law and Policy Issues presents an overview of some of the most recent developments taking place in the EU energy sector at a time when the Third Energy Package is likely to be or has been implemented in the EU Member States. In this respect, the reader will find a number of contributions which offer detailed and critical views on some of the main issues tackled by the Third Energy Package
    €234.00 incl. VAT
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