Integrity and Efficiency in Sustainable Public Contracts
Balancing Corruption Concerns in Public Procurement Internationally
Ensuring efficiency and integrity throughout the public procurement cycle is essential to a sound allocation of taxpayers’ money. Yet public contracts are plagued by corruption, collusion, favoritism and conflicts of interest. This book addresses these problems from sophisticated, academic, institutional and practical perspectives.
The book’s ambition is to shape the public debate in the procurement community by highlighting how corruption implies violations of fundamental rights and undermines the fiduciary relationship between citizens and public institutions. The analysis underlines how corruption may stem from - and yet be resolved - through the exercise of discretion in the public procurement system. Focusing on the effects of public corruption and private collusion on procurement integrity, the book marks the features of misconduct and suggests needed counter-measures. The work also emphasizes that the pursuit of efficiency and integrity in public contracts must be rooted in professional skills, and in ethical regulations and training for public officers.
The research reflected in these pieces comes from sources around the world, and offers an excellent foundation for further development of these topics. Expanding on prior research, this volume builds on a more active transnational academic cooperation and exchanges of ideas on integrity in public contracts for the benefit of citizens.
This book is intended as both a textbook and an edited collection and it is available as an e-book too. The authors of the chapters are all specialists in their respective fields, and their different geographical and professional perspectives represent a valuable contribution to the scientific literature.
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Type de produit | Livre |
Format | Livre broché |
EAN / ISSN | 9782802742944 |
Nom de la collection | Droit administratif / Administrative law |
Poids | 709 g |
Disponibilité | En stock |
Nombre de pages | 452 p. |
Avec exercice intégré | Non |
Editeur | Larcier |
Langue | Anglais |
Date de publication | 12 sept. 2014 |
Disponible sur Strada Belgique | Oui |
Disponible sur Strada Europe | Oui |
Disponible sur Strada Luxembourg | Oui |
Part I. Corruption as a Violation of Fundamental Rights
Part II. Corruption in the Award Phase
Part III. Corruption and Collusion in Public Contracts
Part IV. Contract Modifications and Corruption in the Execution Phase
Part V. The Need for Professionalisation in the Procurement Market